Jan 19, 2024 | Utility Operations, Utility Trends
As municipalities and cities across the United States work to replace aging lead service lines (LSLs), utilities look for any way to ease the pain. Many are implementing several solutions to streamline the lead service line replacement process and minimize disruption...
May 23, 2023 | News, Utility Trends
6 Reasons to Consider Outsourced Print and Mail Services for Your Utility Bills Four out of every five utilities we speak to are frustrated with the process they use to print and mail bills to customers. Common threads include delivery delays due to practices or...
Mar 29, 2023 | News, Utility Trends
5 Ways Social Media Can Benefit Your Utility Can we all agree that utility workers have enough on their plates? The quintessential doing-more-with-less industry, public utility employees wear a variety of hats—many of which likely “don’t fit” if we’re being honest....
Nov 2, 2021 | Itron, Utility Trends
Temetra, Aging Infrastructure, & Meter Replacement Water is arguably one of our most precious resources. Water touches every aspect of our lives, from our homes to businesses. Water is necessary for life and the economy. You’d be hard-pressed to walk into a...
Feb 10, 2021 | Network Security, Utility Operations, Utility Trends
Florida Water Treatment Plant Hacked Over the last several years, we’ve seen utilities increasingly become a target for cybercrime. On Friday, February 5th, an unidentified assailant remotely accessed a computer that is a part of the SCADA system at the City of...
Jan 24, 2018 | Utility Trends
The Utility Industry Finds Itself in the Middle of a Major Workforce Transition Issue: The Utility Industry is experiencing a large shift in employment as many of today’s utility employees will soon be eligible for retirement. This imminent talent gap is further...